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Work (& Family) Travels

I will be traveling to Europe to attend a conference where I have two poster presentations next week!

Since it's a great opportunity to travel, my family (husband and feisty 2yo daughter) are coming along. Truthfully, I am a mix of emotions; I love my family and want them there, but don't want them there at the same time. I find it hard to fully enjoy the meeting when family is there because I feel like I should be there to explore and spend time with them but at the same time, I feel like I should focus, network, and enjoy the meeting. The meeting will be for the first 3 days and then we are taking 10 days to explore around Europe.

I love this aspect of what I do - to be able to learn, travel, and meet phenomenal colleagues and friends along the way! A mentor once told me that when her children got a little older she would bring just one child with her to meetings. These were great trips for them to bond and were some of her favorite memories with her children.

It's not easy to bring children... I once had product rep hold and entertain my 6 month-old while I gave a presentation since my husband was busy with golf (insert eye-roll emoji) that morning... You can't always stay out late or go to happy hour and getting ready in the morning ALWAYS takes longer, but to see her smiling face as we explore a new place is always worth it.

I hope my daughter grows up humble, able, and kind. I hope with her travels she develops a curiosity to explore, a willingness to help, and the capacity to make the world a better place.

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